Delta Police Department ASKS Public Where Speed Needs to Be Enforced



In one of the most genius ideas, the Delta Police Department has lined up social media, safety and vehicular speed to deal with crashes in their municipality. As reported in the Delta Optimist the department has adopted a unique approach, giving the public a “heads up” about potential  enforcement areas via twitter @DPDTraffic .

The result, if you are walking, biking or in a vehicle in Delta have been dramatic. Vehicular speeds have slowed to close to posted levels on Highway 17, and on the commercial streets in the community.

The latest initiative has involve the police department directly the public  asking via twitter where speed enforcement is required. And the result has been brilliant, with enforcement at stop signs at busy intersections, enforcing the  no right turn restriction  on a red light in a commercial area, and even monitoring marked crosswalks to ensure that drivers were stopping for pedestrians.

As Delta Police Staff Sargeant Ryan Hall states “Although Delta police and other forces occasionally publicize enforcement efforts, we don’t think any other police force in B.C. has committed to giving the public a heads up on a regular basis.” 

The two-way communication, seemingly a simple protocol is resulting in safer slower highway, commercial and residential streets.

